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General Skilled Migration Program | Subclass 189 | Subclass 190 | Subclass 491


What is General Skilled Migration (GSM)?

Usually, when we talk about General Skilled Migration (GSM), it is a stream of visas that include:

  • the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa

  • the Skilled Nominated (Subclass 190) visa or

  • the Skilled Regional Nominated (Subclass 491) visa

These visas are points-test base visas and do not require an employer to sponsor your visa. You can apply either by independent, state/territory sponsored or family-sponsored.

Subclass 189 and Subclass 190 are permanent visas, and subclass 491 is a provisional visa with a pathway leading to permanent residency.


Key Elibilibily Requirements:

Subclass 189

Points-tested stream

Subclass 190

Subclass 491

Be invited




Be nominated or sponsored


Nominated by state/ territory government

Nominated by state/ territory government;

Or sponsored by an eligible relative


Under 45

Under 45

Under 45

Points score (min.)



(includes 5’ from nomination)


(includes 15’ from nomination/sponsorship)

English (min.)




Occupation List


MLTSSL, STSOL or State/territory skilled occupation list

MLTSSL, STSOL, ROL or State/territory skilled occupation list

Relevant and positive skill assessment to nomination occupation




Satisfy certain Public Interest criteria and Special Return criteria




Meet health and character requirements





Y = Required

N = Not required

MLTSSL = Medium and Long Term Strategic Skilled List

STSOL = Short-Term Skilled Occupation List

ROL = Regional Occupation List

Skilled occupation list click here

Points-test table download here


There are two other streams under the Subclass 189 visas - Hong Kong Stream and New Zealand Stream.

These two streams allow eligible New Zealand citizens and Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders who have demonstrated commitment and contribution to Australia to live and work in Australia permanently.

Key Elibilibily Requirements

Hong Kong stream (Subclass 189)

  • Apply on or after 5 March 2022

  • Must hold a Hong Kong passport or a British National (Overseas) passport

  • Must hold an eligible Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa, or a Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa or a Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa

  • Must have held the above visa for at least 4 years

  • Must have usually lived in Australia for a continuous period of at least 4 years with the above visa

  • Satisfy certain Public Interest criteria and Special Return criteria

  • Meet health and character requirements

New Zealand stream (Subclass 189)

  • Must hold a New Zealand Special Category (subclass 444) visa

  • Must have usually lived in Australia for at least the last 5 years and have started living here on or before 19 February 2016

  • Meet the minimum income threshold for at least 3 completed financial years in the 5 years (applied on or after 1 July 2021), unless exempt

  • Satisfy certain Public Interest criteria and Special Return criteria

  • Meet health and character requirements


Please note that the above content is for general information only; it is not immigration advice and must not be construed as such. While we have taken appropriate steps to ensure that the content is up-to-date and correct, due to frequent changes in immigration laws, there is no guarantee that the information is current and accurate. Everyone’s situation is different, and MEA is not responsible for the loss caused by your personal or third-party visa application due to reading this article.



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